Saturday, May 19, 2012

Worm Composting

Today my worms came in to start my composting. After lots of shredding newspaper and cardboard, adding leaves and other lawn clippings, and throwing in a healthy dose of vegetable scraps, the worms are not neatly tucked into their new home.
My plan is to use the worm castings in a nutrient tea for my hydroponic systems. Which I'm going to be adding to with the addition of 5 deep water culture systems for peppers tomorrow. Along with that it will also be my fertilizer for the container gardens and reduce our waste going to the landfill.
To date all of the crops I planted have come up, carrots, peas, tomatos, brocolli, basil, rosemary, dill, bell peppers, parsley, and potatos. Tomorrow the PVC systems I had built will go into action and I'll get my spinich, and lettuce going. 172 plants total in the hydroponics. Add the 40 pepper plants going into the deep water culture systems and it is quite the amount for very little usuable space.
The first of five solar panels is complete and working now as well, and I need to start keeping an eye out for batteries and a control unit for it. I have two 3000W inverters that I will use to power growing lights and heaters in the winter but there is still a lot of time for that.
Tomorrow morning the beehives will be put up and ready for the bees arrival on May 26th. So lots of projects so little time.

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