Monday, May 21, 2012

Electric Motorcycle

I really want to build an electric motorcycle, not only do I think it would be a lot of fun in the building process, but also it would save me tons on gas for simple errands around town. There are a lot of great videos on youtube on how to convert an old gas motorcycle into an electric. I guess really all I need now is to find a donor bike. Hell I don't even need the whole bike the frame and rear assembly would be enough to get started.
You know the more I read and research these differant technologies the more bothered I get. It seems my whole life I was lead to believe that these things were so advanced that not everyone could do it. Things like solor power and electric vehicles, hydroponics and sustainable living. And here it is 3 months into this reawakening and I've built a solar panel, I'm growing more crops then I could alone eat on a quarter acre of land. I understand now that the only reason people wanted us to believe these things were unattainable was to keep us down, for lack of a better way to put it. Uneducated masses are easier to control and sell products to.
At this rate I figure I'll have cold fusion in the bag by this time next year.

Just kidding on that part but who knows.

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