Monday, May 21, 2012


Recently I have started to think about the prospect of becoming a full time farmer. I can't tell you how much joy I get from working my crops and building these hydroponic systems. Not to mention how good I would feel being able to sell healthy, affordable produce, and honey to my friends and neighbors in the community.
Of course here is the hook, the intial start up cost of even a hydroponic growing system of this size, along with recurrent costs is well beyond my means at the moment. Especially when you consider for the first year to two years the farm would make next to nothing. Since you have to start crops and get rotations going for sustained income.
My ideal farm would be twenty of more large greenhouses, feild crops in the spring and summer like corn and wheat. A solar array to power the operation, worm and normal composting systems, a couple tanks for fish to also use in the hydroponics, much like growing power uses in the milwaukee. And a small to medium apple orchard and rasberry patch. Oh and of course beehives for honey and pollunation.
Some initial estimates, and mind you this is very rough guess, for start up and three years of operating costs would put the whole thing at about two million dollars, and that would be me and my friends doing most of the construction. Which is not to bad all things considered, I have nothing against swinging a hammer and building up a future.
So I guess in the end I might look into kickstarter or other crowdfunding sites. If any of you happen to be overly wealthy and have that sort of money laying around with nothing to do with it, I would gladly except it and get moving on this. Until then I guess I will keep doing my little farm here and dreaming.

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