Monday, May 28, 2012


Very busy this weekend. I completed 5 DWC systems and planted 40 pepper plants. Also planted 40 sugar snap plants in a raised bed so they can hang. Got started on 12 cucumber plants, 28 green bean plants, 15 brocolli, and 12 summer sqaush. I still have about 20 more bell peppers plants that I will place in containers this week and 12 Roma tomato plants to put in hanging pots. I nearly completed a 2nd PVC pipe system for 110 more plants which will be a mix of lettuce, spinich and maybe beans. Mounded the potatos this weekend and I will also look to plant 4 more potato buds this coming weekend. My four vertical apple trees have not arrived yet but I will call Gardener Supply tomorrow and find out what is up with them. All together I think this weekends planting put me at over 500 plants now.
In other exciting news  I put in my 4 new beehives this weekend and the bees are already producing honey. I managed to snag an extra frame from last years honey and harvested 28 ounces. I also have a bunch of bees wax now that I will turn into candles with the help of  a friend with molds. I may check out building my own honey extractor and see how that goes for this year rather then buy one.
I'm still waiting on my seed starter plugs for the lettuce and what not in the PVC system I'm really itching to get it up and running full speed. But I will post pictures of everything hopefully tomorrow so stay tuned.

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