Friday, May 25, 2012

Victory Gardens

So I read an interesting thing today about Victory Gardens, that 40% of all produce consumed in the US was grown in victory gardens. All they were was a movement during the war to help relieve food supply shortages by growing it at home. I think it's interesting that after the war was over most people stopped planting their own gardens. Now here we are in the 21st century and people everywhere are trying to urge folks to go back to growing their own produce. With all the rampant pesticide use and other chemicals in our food growing your own seems the only logical step to me.
As of this weekend I have planted 478 plants on my small quarter acre of land. With any luck I will triple that by the end of the season. Anyway I'll leave for now with a couple links to the wikipedia article on Victory Gardens and a video from the 40's promoting them.

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