Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Month 3 Review

So let me say that this month as been filled with set backs of all kinds. First I went and capsized my canoe while fishing. Then I lost 20 lbs of fish meat in the freezer. The weather on the weekends has been horrible and the few days I have been able to get out and do any fishing has not yielded any fish worth keeping. Red beans and rice has become a great staple in the house as well as just about any other odd combination of food I can think of. But to say this has been a month of hardships would be an understatement.
The next supply run is not for another 3 months and while I have enough rice and beans to see me through I'm hopeful that my luck turns around soon. I've gone and added a set of pontoons to the canoe to ensure that I don't flip it over again so that makes me more confident than I would be otherwise. The hydroponic systems are up and running and will, with any luck, produce a large amount of veggies to eat and store for the winter.
On an up note, as I posted earlier, I did put up a crowdfunding website on Gofundme.com I'm still hoping to bring this dream of mine to life.
For anyone just joining the blog my idea is to build a self sustaining farm that can produce affordable, fresh and healthy food. By using the hydroponic systems that I already employ at my own house and through the use of greenhouses I hope to grow vegetables year round. By composting local restaurant salad bar scrapes and worm composting the farm would produce it's own fertilizer and nutrient tea for the hydroponics. Aquaculture systems could raise fish on a large scale, fed  from the worms and salad greens to provide a healthy protein. Solar arrays would provide all the power for the pumps and other equipment so the farm would not use any external power, and even if set up properly, provide surplus power to the community, which in turn would also lower overhead costs allowing me to sell produce and fish at a decidedly lower cost then any grocery chain. Chickens on the farm would provide eggs also fed from crops grown organicly and traditionally on the farm. Peanuts grown on the farm could be processed easily into a diesel fuel for the tractors. My goal would be to use no external power, or fuel to create a zero impact farm.
Please feel free to check out and donate to this endeavor the amount I'm asking for would ensure the farms success for the first three years. Paying a livable wage to those employed and as a side note the farm would donate a quarter of all yearly crops to the local food shelf and soup kitchens. So if you have a few dollars or a lot and feel this is worthwhile venture check out the site at;

As always thank you for reading and please feel free to comment.


  1. Do you have a separate gofundme for the farm? The one you linked is for a boat :)

  2. That link should now be working thanks for noticing that =)
