Monday, June 24, 2013

Week 16 Trouble

Well I have to say it has been a hard road the last few weeks. And as much as I hate to say it I have had to cheat on this experiment more than I would have liked. The loss of the meat stores, the bad weather making fishing impossible, the lack of hunting seasons have left me hungry and frustrated. Clearly were this Alaska I would have starved to death or had to leave in a hurry. That being said I am going to press on with this experiment, though reimagined.
My next supply run to Costco is technically not until Septemeber, however given recent events or lack there of I'm going to make that run sooner. Resupplied and with more knowledge this time than when I started should mean better success. Not to mention almost all the large game animal seasons will be coming in and I'll have more oppurtunities to hunt for food.
So what does this mean for the original idea. Honestly nothing, in looking back on the original plan I should have done 2 supply runs in the beginning. One to represent food stores from the previous year and then a 2nd to represent the first run of the year. My calculations were also a bit off and I should have figured in for emergencies like those I have run into. My optimism got the better of me however, and I expected to be more successful both during turkey and late rabbit seasons.
Weather was another big factor I had not taken into account for, and if there is one thing living in Vermont will teach you is, it changes all the time. Now in all truth had I truely been living a subsistance life style I would have been able to hunt and fish all week and capitalized on the good weather during the weekdays. Being reliant on the weekends as my only time to truely go do these things was a serious handicap. But not one that I feel can not be overcome.
Moving forward I think this round will see a better turn out and barring any unforseen things, which I'm sure will happen, should be better. Total savings to date on groceries is $1760 so this extra supply run should still keep me saving money. With estimating about another $500 supply run to see me through to the major hunting seasons.
Thanks as always for reading and please feel free to post comments on any of this anytime.

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