When it rains it pours, and that is all it has been doing around here for the last 2 weeks. This has of course severely limited my ability to get out and fish and what little fishing have been able to do this past week has yielded nothing. That means another week of rice and beans and other veggie based food items for the week. Putting more strain on the provisions that I bought at the start of this experiment, more so than I had planned on. So the real question at this point will be if those supplies can now last until the next supply run still 3 months away.
All of this though has taught me some serious lessons about how to better prepare for doing this sort of thing in the future. The first of which I have already talked about which is start time. I should have started this experiment when hunting seasons were more open. By starting in march I only had 2 seasons to potentially get meat from, the first was muskrat and the second was turkey. Both of which I was unsuccessful at getting anything. Now with fishing being the only choice for meat until September the weather is playing a major role in being able to get out on a boat and so some serious fishing.
Another lesson I have taken away is more disaster planning, or in this case not so much disaster but weather planning. If I had thought ahead I would have maybe increased the amount of supplies I bought initially to account for this scenario.
On an upbeat my gardens are all in, and will hopefully provide enough food for the winter. This is again contingent on getting a large game animal during one of the hunting seasons. I'll post pictures of everything and how it is set up tomorrow so stay tuned for that.
My honey bees are working hard and making lots of honey. So far to date I have taken in approximately 70 pounds of honey. And I still have at least one if not two more major harvests to bring in before the season is over. The honey and wax I produce I sell so that will be a nice source of additional income when it is all sold.
I've purchased a used boat for 100 dollars and I'm in the process of fixing it up and getting back on the water. Once that is done I'll have more flexibility in getting out on the lakes and doing some serious fishing. This is another project I'll post pictures of hopefully tomorrow.
Weekly shopping came in at 60 dollars this week, which unless I'm crazy is a sizable jump in prices considering I'm buying the same items I have been all along. But it still puts me at half what I use to spend during the week.
Anyway as always please feel free to leave comments on anything here and please feel free to donate towards the farm project if you can. I hope you have been enjoying the blog and stay tuned.
I'm jealous I missed all that rain! How long do you think it'll be until you get your boat ready? Hopefully you will have some more luck with your fish & game to get you through, but there's nothing wrong with veggies, rice & beans (especially if you season them!).