Monday, April 29, 2013

Month 2 review

Well the second month of this experiment is now behind me and what a ride it has been so far. My seeds are all started and ready for planting as we head into May. My beehives have survived and I'm going up to Newport to work on them for the first time this season. Along in that trip I also plan to hunt for turkeys which their season opens on the 1st. Since you can only hunt turkey until noon my plan is to fish the second half of the day in one of the northern lakes I never get to otherwise.
Fishing has provided very well so far, this weekend we hauled in 3 northern pike, 2 of which measured 24 inches and the third one was a beast at 32 inches and weighed 8.1 lbs. All told the fish we caught provided roughly 14 lbs of food. Most of which we will eat this week. Ideally I would love to come into a great fishing day and be able to freeze some of the catch for this years winter. But I guess that's why it's called fishing and not catching.
Firewood for next year is also a top priority now as it needs time to dry and cure. My plan is to have it all cut and covered with black tarps and tar paper through the summer to speed up the drying process. I'll need roughly 4 cords of wood to get me through the winter.
My wife and I are actively looking to buy our own home, so that is now taking up some of our time. But if we find something with a small amount of land on it, it would provide better for us. Nothing huge, we have our eye on a house with 12 acres.
The farm and fish hatchery idea is burning up in my brain a lot of late. My dream of providing healthy, affordable food to the community is something I want to get off the ground. Unfortunately that is were my expertise ends. While I looked at Kickstarter and other crowd funding sites these have low limits set on donations. Ideally this project would cost roughly 3 million dollars to start. Which in these times is not something that is easy to come by. But if any of you know someone with that kind of money burning a hole in their pocket by all means have them contact me.
Weekly shopping comes in at 50 dollars this week to end the month ahead by over 400 dollars now. That money I'm going to set aside to start the funding on the farm idea. Every tidal wave starts with a single ripple as they say, so while it's not much it's a start.
To everyone out there reading this I want to take a minute and say thank you. The number of hits this blog has been getting has increased over the last 2 months and I hope people are enjoying it. Stay tuned through the summer as this is also my prime invention season and I'll be posting articles pertaining to those projects on here as well.

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