Monday, April 8, 2013

Week 5 Unexpected problems

So I have to admit I may have made a judgement error in picking March to be the month to start all this. Living in Vermont for the last 15 years I should have realized that no matter what the previous year was like the next year will be different. Trends never seem to happen here in Vermont and this year was no exception. Last year we enjoyed an early spring and thaw which opened lake fishing much earlier than usual. This year while the temperature has been mild for the most part, it stayed cold enough to keep most of the lake under ice for a substantial amount of time. This in turn has made getting meat a challenge. As I took stock of what I have left for meat yesterday I came to a realization that at best I will be able to stretch out the supply for at most another 2 weeks. After that it looks like I will be playing vegetarian much to my displeasure.
Fishing does officially open on all lakes, ponds and rivers this coming weekend so who knows things may turn around. As for muskrat well without a thaw to drive them up out of their holes, finding them has been a challenge and thus far unsuccessful. The season on them ends in 11 more days so there is still time, but along with the need to get seeds started and the time better spent on catching fish, I don't think I will allocate any time to this endeavor.
Other than that things have been going well. A group of us went out and did a bit of fishing this weekend with minimal success. But it was good to be out and we did get to witness an osprey catching what looked like a large salmon. Though the excitement of it was quickly met with jeers of ridicule for the bird of prey for being more successful than we were.
My friends and I have decided to start filming our fishing adventures in a sort of spoof on the pro fishing shows you see on TV and the show River Monsters on Animal Planet. So watch for these when we start posting them to YouTube I'll include the link in this blog to the channel. I can guarantee you won't learn anything about fishing by watching it, but it should be good for a laugh.
Weekly grocery shopping again came out to 40 dollars and this marks the 2nd week of actual savings even when taking into account the supply run. Putting me 160 dollars ahead over my average cost before starting this experiment.
I know a number of people are reading this blog now from the stats I'm receiving I would love to hear any suggestions you may have or advise on things concerning fishing or hunting. So feel free to post a response to any of the articles here. Also feel free to ask any questions if you have any and I will try to respond in a timely manner. Thanks again for reading and stay posted.

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