Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Week 9 Food for the freezer

So another week has come and gone. Sunday was a big night for us, I was able to catch about 20 lbs of catfish, all of which is now in my freezer. Saturday my wife and I had the good fortune of watching a man bowfishing for Gar. Which suprised me since I didn't even know there were Gar in this state. While we were there he did manage to get a 4.5 foot Gar. He explained to us that they don't seem to go after lures or bait so the only way he knew how to get them was with bow and arrow. He also told us they taste just like chicken. I happen to have a bowfishing rig and I may give this a try soon myself.
Planting wise, all of my squash, tomatos, onions and potatos are in. I'll provide a layout for the urban farm at my house when it is all said and done. My two dwarf apple trees are blooming so thats a good sign I should get some apples this year, and my plan for the weekend is to move some rasberry bushes over to a sunny spot of my yard so they produce fruit this year as well.
No luck so far hunting turkeys but this was only the first weekend. Nothing else will come into season until well into the fall so this will be the only chance I have to go after bigger game. My moose lottery ticket is in and I was thinking if I was lucky enough to get one it would literally supply my family with enough meat to see us through the winter. Though I would have to try and get out of mounting it's head, my youngest son is desperately wanting one in his room.
Weekly grocery shopping has me at 50 dollars this week, and while this is higher then it has been it's still well under what I was spending before. So not to much this week to report but there it is. Again more things will be happening as the summer continues so stay tuned.

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