Monday, March 25, 2013

Week 3 Making large meals

So I find myself finishing the first 3 weeks of this experiment and I have to say, so far it appears very doable. One trick I have learned is making a larger than normal amount of food. This serves two purposes it gives me lunches to take to work every day as well as lunches for my wife, and so far it has been a source of 2 days of dinners for the family as a whole. While at first everyone was a little upset about eating the same things over and over, they are now starting to except it and actually enjoy it. Small changes to things like stew, in terms of making rice and putting the stew over rice helps to break the rut a little.
To date I still have a bulk of the supplies I bought. Making it clear that I should be able to last another 5 months before the next supply run. Fishing is getting ready to open everywhere in the state, which should open up a wealth of meat options. Muskrats have come into season though I have not been able to get any yet. In speaking of muskrat it has come to my attention from talking to some of my co-workers that not many people are familiar with eating these animals. So I think after I have gotten a few and tried some different recipes I'll post them here for people to try out.
The weekly grocery run came out to 45 dollars this week, so that still amounts to a 105 dollar savings on average and after the last week of march is over I should now start to see the savings from such a reduced bill.
This coming weekend also will start my preparing for next winter in terms of cutting and splitting firewood. I will also be planting my seedlings to get them started for planting in the next few weeks with any luck.
Another side effect of how we are eating that I don't think any of us has thought about was the loss of weight. I have dropped 10 lbs in the last 3 weeks and my wife and kids are also reporting similar weight losses. I attribute this to two things, first the small portion sizes that we are all eating, and second the fact the majority of food we are eating is healthier. No more soda, no more store bought bread, no box meals, and all the additives and chemicals in those foods.
Stay tuned the first full month is coming to a close soon.

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