Monday, March 11, 2013

Week 1 Into the Fray

So the first week of my subsistence living is over, and for the most part I'm very encouraged by the results. My buddy and I were able to get a couple rabbits on Thursday before this whole thing started and I made those into two dishes that lasted me and my family the week. The first of which was a standard rabbit stew, potatos, carrots, onion and the like in a thick broth. And the second was a rabbit, rice and red bean combination that was seasoned with Frank's Hot Sauce and salt. In fact I'm eating that as I type this post today.
On Sunday we went out again and I was able to bag another large snowshoe rabbit which again I will make into a stew for this week. Unfortunately Sunday was the last day for rabbit season here in Vermont so there will be no more of those to come until Sept. when the season opens back up. However, due to an early thaw coming possibly this week I may be able to start fishing as early as next week and start bringing in that for meat.
Bread making has been a work in progress. White bread has been easy to learn and come out very well, but potato bread has been a bit trickier. I'm going to attempt that one again tonight when I make bread. I made 4 loaves of white bread that lasted me and the family through the week and to be honest may start cutting us back on bread anyway which would not  be a bad thing in terms of health.
Speaking of the family the whole thing has been a huge hit so far with them, while they were first apprehensive of the idea they now see that it can be fun and possible and have gotten on board. My youngest son is very excited by the hunting and devours anything that has been shot or fished at a rate that I may have to get under control to make it through next winter. My oldest son is still adjusting to more time outside and less time on the electronic devices in the house but he will get there, he's a teenager, everything is terrible when first offered but a whole lot of fun when he gets out doing it.
On another note and to be completely open about this whole thing there are things that I continue to have to buy for them. Milk, cereal, peanut butter and jelly and snacks for their school lunches but that is all. This weeks shopping trip cost me 40 dollars for those things. Which when put into perspective is much less than I use to spend per week. Which is something I will start posting at the end of each weeks blog is my expenses for you to watch and see how this, if it works, will save money in the long run also.

To Date: 375 dollars spent on initial supplies                              Average weekly grocery bill pre-experiment
                40 dollars week 1 groceries.                                                         150 dollars
So that means that as of right now I am still 265 dollars in the hole as it were. but this week alone I saved 110 dollars in the grocery store.
On top of those savings I no longer by lunch at work average 5-7 dollars a day or coffee from the store 1.50 a day. For another total weekly saving of about 32.50.
Not to bad to start off with, but the question still remains is it sustainable. Only time will tell. Watch for the week 2 post around this time next week. And I will post in between if anything major changes. Thanks for reading.

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