Monday, March 18, 2013

Week 2 Time Management

So now that I have gotten through the 2nd week of my subsistence living experiment I have a few things to talk about. First of all time management is essential. In order to make this a more realistic experiment I have added some other things to the parameters. Since last november the fireplace in my house has been working and usable. So I decided to make that part of the experiment, while we still heat the house with a traditional furnace fueled by natural gas, I have made it a point to light a fire every night and simulate the act of heating the home through wood. This of course has added to my chore list in the means of bringing in firewood and making kindling to light a fire with.I have also decided to make things from the pelts of the animals that I kill and therefore use as much of the animal as possible. Letting nearly nothing go to waste. Again another chore added to my list.
And this is where time management is key. I hold a full time job working for the local hospital as does my wife. This leaves very few hours left in the day when I get home to do all the things I need to. I like anyone else like to come home and relax after a long day at work. But I have learned the hard way that while I still have time for relaxing I have to better manage my time to get everything done. Otherwise like on Tuesday last week I end up making bread at 11pm at night. (Not a fun thing to be doing mind you) So I'll recap the week for you all so you can get a better idea of what I'm talking about.
Sunday- Went hunting for rabbits on the last day of the season for 4 hours in Newport, which is a 2 hour drive one way from where I live. I did manage to get a rather large snowshoe hare but got home at around 7 pm. As is usual friends and family came over at 8pm to watch The Walking Dead until 10pm. Which meant I didn't get around to skinning and cleaning the rabbit till 1030pm. And I finished that at around 1130pm.
Monday- Out of work at 5pm made dinner of a baked chicken for the family and ate then made the bad decision of sitting down at 8pm and relaxing. Nothing else got done.
Tuesday- Work, then made dinner of beans and rice and left over chicken. Brought in wood for the night and the following night but didn't realize or think about needing more loaves of bread until 10pm by the time they were done it was 1130 or so.
Wednsday- Work, dinner of left overs, made kindling and finished prepping the hides from the three rabbits in a salt and alum powder solution. Made kindling for the night and night after.
Thursday- Work, made home made mac and cheese and some green beans for dinner, cleaned the fireplace, took out garbage.
Friday- Work, then it was my anniversary for my wife and I had dinner out and stayed at the Inn where we got married, which is a tradition we have been doing since we got married 3 years ago. ( I know eating dinner out violates the rules of the experiment but better to keep my wife happy.)
The weekend was filled with things like bringing in wood, making kindling,( something I am starting to do for the entire week all at once.) I boiled the rabbit meat and made a stew of him. Worked out the rest of the pelts and now have them ready to be made into something. Got fishing gear ready, sighted in my hunting rifles. I also did the weekly grocery shopping which came out to the same as last week 40 dollars. All of which was a large box of cereal for the children, snacks for the kids lunches, milk, a bunch of bananas and a bag of apples, all of which is for the children to take to school in their lunches. Another weekly savings of  110 dollars on average on top of the saving money not buying my work lunches or buying coffee. For a total weekly saving of about 175 dollars.
What I have taken away from this week is work smarter, I was able to make the stew and 4 loaves of bread at once which saved me time. The 4 loaves should make lunches for the kids all week and allow us to eat some bread for dinner, the stew will last us for about 3 meals or so and lunches for most of the week at work. Instead of making kindling on an as needed basis I have decided to spend a couple hours and just make enough for the entire week all at once and keep it in a small box next to the fireplace. With more things to do coming in the spring with planting a garden, fishing and hunting and cutting and splitting firewood for next winter these things will be essential to make it all work.

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