Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Spud to Spartan

So I know it has been a while since I last blogged, and a lot of things have been going on. My wife is expecting our 3rd child in August and we have bought our own house in South Burlington.
Spring is here and of course that means getting my beehives ready for the season, planting gardens and now that I own my house I'm building a fish enclosure to raise trout at my house.

The really big news though is my brother has convinced me to run the Spartan Race this fall. Having signed up back in April I sort of, well not sort of, I did blow off training for the entire month. Now as we approach the middle of May I find myself working out at 5 am. I have decided I'm going to do a weekly blog about this up to and past the race so here was my first 3 day experience with training.

I ran 1/2 a mile and walked a 1/2 mile, then did 15 push ups, 20 jumping jacks, 20 air squats, 20 crunches, and 20 mountain climbers. That was every day since this past Monday. Needless to say I am sore, I'm sore in places I didn't think I could be sore. After the first morning certain muscles hurt, I expected that and it was no real surprise. Now on day three, of the exact same workout mind you, I find that all different parts of me hurt. I don't even know how that is possible, and yet here I am hurting just sitting at my desk.

Every Friday I will post what I have done in terms of training and what I have been eating, with only 4 months to go before the race this is going to be a Rocky style montage of stuff in order to get ready. Being that I am a man and not ashamed that I have gotten a little, lets say large over the years I will also post my weekly weight gain or loss. I'm starting this thing weighing 268 lbs.

Anyway read if you want to hear about how I'm torturing myself this week, and if any of you out there are doctors or EMS personal please feel free to attend the race. I may need you in the end.

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome Andrew! I'm looking forward to reading about your torture :) I'm just sad I'm not there to tease you in person for walking funky :D
